A Photographic Exploration of the Psychogeography of Your City
© Stefan Frank

A Photographic Exploration of the Psychogeography of Your City

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The city has always been the stage where the most urgent conflicts of the times are discussed and negotiated. In this class, following a different photographic prompt each week, we will venture out into our cities and develop our own take on what's happening in our immediate surroundings today. Along the way, we’ll take a philosophical/political-theory perspective, represented in part by the Situationist International’s 1968 slogan of “beneath the pavement, the beach” (referring to the sand found beneath the cobblestones lifted by students to hurl at the police); Guy Debord’s dérive (an experimental behavior with goals including the study of the psychogeography of the city); and Walter Benjamin’s acute observer and investigator of the city, the flâneur. Different photographers have responded with wildly differing images to rapid changes found in modern cities and we’ll examine some of those — from the German photographer Michael Schmidt’s “Berlin Wall as a state of mind” to Michael Wolf’s look at the density of modern Asian cities. Join us as we stroll our own city in search of the “beach beneath the pavement.”


This class was really exceptional — Stefan was extremely well-prepared, very thorough and taught with great enthusiasm and care on a university level; great assignments and class critique plus post-class emails. This was on a new level of online learning.
—Lisa (New York City)
Thank you for this interesting course — Stefan certainly gave us a lot of information and a lot to think about. I wish the course was even longer!
—Suzette (New York)
Loved Stefan’s class! I really appreciate the mix of hands-on work — a.k.a. making photos — and his more conceptual lectures. For me that is the ideal combination.
—Cristina (Chicago)

Stefan Frank
Stefan Frank

Stefan Frank is a photographer and writer, working from Heidelberg, Germany. Way before he came to photography, he studied mathematics and philosophy at Ruhr Universität Bochum and worked as an IT specialist. He studied at Atelier Smedsby with JH Engström and Margot Wallard in Paris in 2017, before he eventually began studying photography at Ostkreuzschule, Berlin, with Peter Bialobrzeski. He graduated in 2023 with the work Irgendwo (“Anywhere”), a project dealing with politically motivated crime and the terror-spree of the far right in Germany. He has been teaching with StrudelmediaLive since 2020, giving courses on surrealism, poetics of space, gestalt theory for photographers, and more. His work has been exhibited in Heidelberg, Frankfurt, and Berlin.

Stefan teaches   the poetics of space, nighttime photography, and much more (including presenting The Photobook Show) for StrudelmediaLive.