A space for learning, creating, and connecting through photography

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Realtime, live, and interactive small‑group photography classes, with students participating from around the world.


What our students say about our teachers:

I really enjoyed the class! I've been wanting to do embroidery for a while but haven't known where to start. Jolanda did a great job showing us a wide range of techniques and inspirations, and challenged us to create every week. I honestly thought the class was perfect. I plan to continue doing embroidery work on my photos.  
—Drew (Minneapolis)
Thank you for all your guidance and patience with my project. There were some terrific students/talent in the class and you did a great job getting everyone to participate!  
—Gerald (Minneapolis)
Today, sadly, is the last of Kai’s B&W class — it has been great and he’s an excellent teacher. I rejuvenated some of my Photoshop skills which have been dormant and learned a lot.  
—Lisa (New York)