The Photobook Show
with Stefan Frank
The photobook is a super-popular and important form of photographic expression, bursting with creative energy.
In this series of engaging and deeply researched talks, StrudelmediaLive teacher Stefan Frank looks at recent (and not-so-recent) photobooks and how they advance this unique medium.
The talks are free to attend, but you must register. To hear about upcoming talks, subscribe to our newsletter.
Miss an episode of The Photobook Show? Check our archive of previous talks on our YouTube channel.

The Photobook Show with Stefan Frank
A free series of live talks on the art of the photobook
■ previous episodes
episode 20
Formalism is Everything
Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 1pm (ET)
Jan Groover was not only an excellent photographer, but was also known to be a great teacher. To point out her interest in the formal aspects of her images, she famously told a student “Once you have the content, you don’t have to think about the content anymore, you have to… more
episode 19
Holiday Special: A Look Back at 2024
Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 1pm (ET)
For this special holiday edition of The Photobook Show, Stefan Frank takes a very subjective look at his past year with photobooks to present a not-typical “best of” list. Stefan will bring out a pile of ten not-necessarily-new books — only some were published in 2024 — and they share a mix of… more
episode 18
Ernst Haas: Abstract
Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 1pm (ET)
Ernst Haas was an early master of color photography, and in many ways, ahead of his time: the Kodachrome film that he used for most of his work resulted in pictures that for years could not be adequately reproduced in print. “Abstract,” Haas’s most cherished and personal project — originally conceived as… more

episode 17
Photography and Painting: Examples of an Intricate Relationship
Wed, Sept 25, 2024 at 1pm (ET)
When photography came into being, painters feared that their trade would become obsolete; but this is not entirely what happened. Work for realistic painters definitely dropped off, but other painters felt freed from having to faithfully represent reality and so developed their art into abstraction and more. Over time, the… more

episode 16
Trent Parke: A Monumental Photobook
Wed, May 22, 2024 at 1pm (ET)
The first edition of Australian Magnum photographer Trent Parke’s Monument sold out only seven hours after it was released. This 300-page photobook has now been published by Stanley/Barker in a lavishly produced second edition. Usually in The Photobook Show we look at a couple of books, looking for connecting themes and how… more

episode 15
The Photographer’s Eye: Learning Photography from Books
Tue, April 16, 2024 at 2pm (ET)
What is there to learn in photography beyond how to use your camera and some basic knowledge of optics? In the world of photography education, there is a fundamental belief that the ability to “see” can be trained and educated — and is what lies behind many books designed to help you learn to… more

episode 14
The Photo Essay: Putting Photos into Words
Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 1pm (ET)
Some of Stefan’s favorite photography books contain hardly any images: in Ghost Image, Hervé Guibert fantasizes about an unexposed photograph of his mother. Moyra Davey writes her diverse thoughts on such things as photographs, a line of poetry, a ball of thread, and the life of 18th-century women onto index cards, and… more
episode 13
Jungjin Lee: A Captivating Stillness
Thu, Jan 4, 2024 at 1pm (ET)
Let’s begin 2024 in a meditative way by looking at three photobooks by Jungjin Lee — the visual pace of her work can provide a needed respite in these times. Drawing on her South Korean heritage, the photographer has developed a highly unique pictorial language, and to “see” her images, you need to slow down… more

episode 12
Mon, Dec 4, 2023 at 1pm (ET)
Most photobooks follow a very simple, straightforward formula: one picture on a page, plenty of white space to make it stand out, evenly spaced. It is an elegant and unobtrusive way to give images room to breath and calm the viewer down. It worked for Robert Frank’s The Americans and is… more

episode 11
New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape
Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 1pm (ET)
Let’s look at an influential exhibition and how its trajectory helped shape photography from the 1970s through to today: “New Topographics: Pictures of Man-Altered Landscapes,” shown in 1975 in the George Eastman House’s International Museum of Photography in Rochester, New York. We’ll follow the course of the show’s lasting impact on aesthetic and conceptual approaches to landscape… more

episode 10
A Thousand Words: On the Role of Text in Photobooks
Wed, Sept 13, 2023 at 1pm (ET)
Many photographers struggle with using words to go with their pictures — we often think an image should speak for itself. And yet, using text in the right place in a photobook can help your audience find the best perspective with which to look at your work. To kick off this… more

episode 9
Can Photography Be Funny?
Thu, May 4, 2023 at 1pm (ET)
In this month’s show we ask Can Photography Be Funny? Photography can be a serious business, with imagery of conflicts, crisis, and chaos; very often, there is nothing to laugh about. This begs the question: what’s the place for humor in photography? In this episode, we’ll look at books that dabble with a most… more

episode 8
The World is Not Flat
Wed, March 22, 2023 at 2pm (ET)
A picture is flat, while the world it depicts is not — and it took painting and photography quite a while to become aware of this fact.The art critic Clement Greenberg places this realization — that a picture is flat — at the very beginning of modernism: “Modernism used art to call… more

episode 7
“Trance” and Altered States of Mind
Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 1pm (ET)
Are photographs living beings? Can looking at photographic images induce altered states of mind? Why would a book of landscape pictures be titled “Trance”? We will be asking these kinds of weird questions and will look at books that take a stab at addressing them with equally weird answers. Diana Michener’s… more

episode 6
Moonlighting II: When Writers Photograph
Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 1pm (ET)
In our last episode (“Moonlighting I”) we looked at painters who photograph; this time we will focus on writers: how they approach photography, what we can learn from theater about staging a photograph, and what the commonalities and differences between writing and photography are. We’ll focus on the German writer Einar Schleef — a… more

episode 5
Moonlighting I: When Painters and Writers Take Pictures
Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 1pm (ET)
What are painters looking for when they use photography in their practice? When writers pick up a camera, what do they see? Let’s take a look together at what this view from outside of photography reveals about photography itself and what we can learn from different crafts for our practice.
We’ll be looking at… more

episode 4
Robert Adams
Fri, Sept 30, 2022 at 2pm (ET)
Why do people take photographs? Robert Adams tried to find an answer in his 1994 book of collected essays, aptly named Why People Photograph. In this episode of the Photobook Show, we’ll try something different: instead of looking at books from different photographers grouped around a topic, we’ll look at one… more

episode 3
Silence and Image
Tue, July 5, 2022 at 2pm (ET)
Let’s step out of our fast-paced lives for a brief moment and look at photobooks that deal with the topic of silence — which at first glance might seem counter-intuitive: how can you photograph sound, or even more, the absence of sound? In this episode we’ll look at examples of how… more

episode 2
Family Albums
Thu, May 12, 2022 at 2pm (ET)
Of all the photobooks you may encounter in your life, the family album is the first and by far the most intimate. One might say that the impulse to hold on to these memories and search through lost time is a driving factor behind many photobooks. In this episode, we’ll look… more

episode 1
The Moon
Tue, April 5, 2022 at 1pm (ET)
These days, the photobook has become a crazy popular (and important) form of photographic expression bursting with creative energy. In this new series, StrudelmediaLive teacher Stefan Frank will be looking at recent (and not-so-recent) photobooks that you might not know about — and how they advance this unique medium.
In this first… more