Creating Multimedia Portraits: Building Memories
Learn to create deep and expressive video portraits using personal stories and memories — and discover the power of blending archival material, like photographs, with new images and sounds in this expansive multimedia class. Weekly hands-on exercises and demonstrations will help you discover your own voice and specific documentary approach. You’ll develop your narrative skills while producing imaginative video pieces with a unique look. Students could focus on a family member or themselves — to create a self-portrait or promotional piece — or create documentary portraits of others: artists, neighbors, people in general. In this project-based class, we’ll analyze and critique your filmed material and work on editing practices so that by the end of the course, you will have produced a series of 3 one-minute video portraits. We’ll analyze videos by others for inspiration and discuss creative production choices — including framing, camera movement, editing concepts, and sound to understand different ways of connecting and associating content with meaning.

Marina Thomé is a photographer and documentary filmmaker based in Portugal and Brazil. Marina works as a director, researcher, and editor for multimedia platforms and experiments with portraits, archives, and soundscapes. Her films have been presented in festivals in France, USA, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Colombia, and elsewhere, including the Margaret Mead Film Festival in New York and Festival Biarritz Latin America in France. She is the co-founder of Estúdio CRUA, an award-winning production company that connects new media and social impact. They produced the Hackathon Webdoc Project, involving over 100 participants in workshops on creating collaborative multi-platform documentaries. Marina holds masters degrees in Creative Documentary (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and in Communication, Art & Technology (Centro Universitário Belas Artes de São Paulo). She studied photojournalism and storytelling at the International Center of Photography (New York) and has taught multiplatform storytelling at art institutions in Brazil, Portugal, and Spain.
In 2023, she coordinated Arché, a creative development space for film professionals from Iberoamerican countries, at the Doclisboa and Porto/Post/Doc Festivals, organized by APORDOC-The Portuguese Documentary Association. She's currently working on her project Red Skies, a video installation supported by DG Arts (Portuguese Directorate-General for the Arts), to be presented in the Azores Islands.
Marina teaches multimedia, video, and multiplatform storytelling for StrudelmediaLive.