Developing the Continuity between Your Life and Photography
Imagine a thread that represents the continuity between our lives and the images we create — what can we understand about ourselves through the photos we make? Let’s explore together how the way we live can express itself in our photographic practice. Our beliefs and values affect what we do and how we do it, and by looking closely at our artistic practice we can gain a better understanding about ourselves and our work.
Assignments, exercises, and analysis will be based on
observation and self-reflection, with the goal being that the images and texts you create
will help you develop a more clear and concise visual language. Through
conversation during class, you’ll understand and give meaning to the work you create and practice the tools
and methods to communicate your ideas through images. We’ll also examine the work of a variety of artists, including Cristina Kahlo, Hu Bo, Jon Henry, and Francisco Toledo, as well as art by the Pre-Raphaelite Sisters.
Students will develop a more clear understanding of their own photographic practice and learn tools to clearly craft a personal language to communicate their own unique ideas through their images — and in the process, understand more about themselves. This class is limited to 6 students only.

Born in Mexico City and now living in Brooklyn, Carlos works in bookmaking, portraiture, unique chromogenic prints, poetry, and street photography. Carlos earned a BA in psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de México, before transitioning to photography and studying at different institutions in Berlin, New York City, Oaxaca, and Mexico City, where he worked as a printer and production assistant for Cristina Kahlo for over 7 years. He completed his Creative Practices certificate at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York City in 2021. His work has been exhibited at venues including Centro Fotográfico Manuel Alvarez Bravo and Centro de las Artes de San Agustín in Oaxaca, Mexico; Imago Fotokunst (Berlin); and ICP (New York City).
Carlos teaches “Developing the Continuity between Your Life and Photography” for StrudelmediaLive.