Discovering the Poetry in Nighttime Photography
© Stefan Frank

Discovering the Poetry in Nighttime Photography

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Nighttime can be magical — cityscapes buzz with electricity, and in nature, trees and meadows are glazed with moonlight. The scarcity of light creates its own particular drama. Taking pictures at night opens up exciting new ways of exploring our surroundings: the streets of our neighborhood, landscapes, and cityscapes, or simply the light in our own home. Through weekly exercises we'll explore seeing and composing in low light to capture the eery and poetic mood it offers. Technical details like long exposure and low-light camera settings, working with a tripod, and dealing in post with digital grain and noise reduction will be covered. An essential part of this class will be to discuss and analyze artistic and technical approaches by other photographers who have worked extensively in low light. As W. Eugene Smith said: “Available light is any damn light that is available.”


Loved Stefan’s class! I really appreciate the mix of hands-on work — a.k.a. making photos — and his more conceptual lectures. For me that is the ideal combination.
—Cristina (Chicago)
Thank you for guiding us down the Surrealism path. I had fun and enjoyed the course — I will be revisiting the “tool box” to feel more comfortable with Surrealism! I look forward to taking another class with you in the future.
—Alan (Minnesota)
This course was excellent, and I would/will recommend it to friends…. What I've liked about all of the three classes I've taken through StrudelmediaLive is that they are well-structured and organized. Stefan was exceptionally well-prepared for each session — it was all about teaching the material and he made an enormous amount of material available to the class.
—Barbara (New York City)

Stefan Frank
Stefan Frank

Stefan Frank is a photographer and writer, working from Heidelberg, Germany. Way before he came to photography, he studied mathematics and philosophy at Ruhr Universität Bochum and worked as an IT specialist. He studied at Atelier Smedsby with JH Engström and Margot Wallard in Paris in 2017, before he eventually began studying photography at Ostkreuzschule, Berlin, with Peter Bialobrzeski. He graduated in 2023 with the work Irgendwo (“Anywhere”), a project dealing with politically motivated crime and the terror-spree of the far right in Germany. He has been teaching with StrudelmediaLive since 2020, giving courses on surrealism, poetics of space, gestalt theory for photographers, and more. His work has been exhibited in Heidelberg, Frankfurt, and Berlin.

Stefan teaches   the poetics of space, nighttime photography, and much more (including presenting The Photobook Show) for StrudelmediaLive.