Gestalt Theory for Photographers: Practical Application of the Principles of Visual Perception
Gestalt principles of human perception explain how our brain sees patterns, structure, form, and logic in the world around us. Painters like Vermeer, Bouguereau, and Jacques-Louis David used these principles long before they were formalized at the beginning of the 20th century. They used these principles intuitively to make their work more dynamic and to achieve coherence in their compositions, just as photographers like Cartier-Bresson and Alex Webb did later on.
During this course, we will look at principles like figure-ground relation, proximity, and closure, and examine how we can apply these to our own photographs. Although we will be analyzing a lot of work from painters and photographers, this is mainly a practical course. Weekly photography exercises, accompanied by detailed analysis of your pictures, will help you see these principles at work in real-life scenes and apply them to your own compositions.

Stefan Frank is a photographer and writer, working from Heidelberg, Germany. Way before he came to photography, he studied mathematics and philosophy at Ruhr Universität Bochum and worked as an IT specialist. He studied at Atelier Smedsby with JH Engström and Margot Wallard in Paris in 2017, before he eventually began studying photography at Ostkreuzschule, Berlin, with Peter Bialobrzeski. He graduated in 2023 with the work Irgendwo (“Anywhere”), a project dealing with politically motivated crime and the terror-spree of the far right in Germany. He has been teaching with StrudelmediaLive since 2020, giving courses on surrealism, poetics of space, gestalt theory for photographers, and more. His work has been exhibited in Heidelberg, Frankfurt, and Berlin.
Stefan teaches the poetics of space, nighttime photography, and much more (including presenting The Photobook Show) for StrudelmediaLive.