How to Archive, Organize, and Care for Your Digital and Analog Photographs
© Bryan Whitney

How to Archive, Organize, and Care for Your Digital and Analog Photographs

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Get your photo work organized! Are you overwhelmed with all the digital files, prints, and negatives that you’ve accumulated over the years? Keeping your photographs properly organized and preserved is an important task, but it’s often neglected. In this four-session class, you’ll learn smart methods of how to organize and archive your work so that you feel confident that it’s safely stored and can be easily found when you need it. You'll learn best practices for managing your personal archive and how to properly name and organize digital files so that they are software-agnostic and future-proof. We'll also discuss what specific materials to use for storing and preserving both analog and digital prints; how to reproduce prints, negatives, and slides into digital files; and backup strategies for your digital archive.


Bryan has a great presence — very calm, organized and knowledgeable with his presentation material. He provided very good explanation of technical items like scanning slides and negatives. I enjoyed the class and it stimulated me to organize my analog and digital files. Bryan summed up each class with follow up material and handouts that explained further all the topics covered.
—Greta (San Francisco)
Bryan is a generous and attentive teacher, and he went to great effort to prepare multiple handouts full of resources. And he also had a nice way of framing the daunting task of getting organized.
—Denise (New York City)

Bryan Whitney
Bryan Whitney

Bryan Whitney is a photographer and artist in New York City whose work often involves experimental imaging techniques, such as x-rays, 3D imagery, virtual reality, and other alternative processes. Whitney holds an MFA in Photography from the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and a BA in the Psychology of Art from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has taught photography at Rutgers University and currently teaches at the International  Center of Photography in New York City. A recipient of a Fulbright Grant for lectures on American Photography in Eastern Europe, he has exhibited across the United States and internationally. He has  traveled the globe for special projects, including archeological expeditions in Sudan and in the Republic of Georgia. His work has appeared in magazines such as Harpers Bazaar, Fortune, the New York Times, and in books, posters and advertising campaigns worldwide.

Bryan teaches archiving and preservation of photographs for StrudelmediaLive.