Learn to Create Photo Collages and Composites with Photoshop
Making photo collages (combining parts of multiple images into one) and composites (think diptychs and triptychs) can be an exciting way to extend your creative practice, but some of this you can’t do with Lightroom. With Photoshop, we’ll explore tools you’ll need to combine multiple images into one — including layers, different ways to select and cut parts of images, masking for hiding and revealing, how to resize and transform, and some retouching tools to enhance your images. Weekly assignments will help you feel comfortable navigating Photoshop and using the tools you need for your creative workflow. This class will begin with an overview of the Photoshop interface and settings, and is designed for those who are new to Photoshop, as well as students who want a refresher in these processes.

Lavonne Hall is a native New Yorker and has been extremely active in the photography and film communities for more than 25 years. She is a fine art photographer, a live-streaming influencer, and a social butterfly. She teaches at the International Center of Photography and the School of Visual Arts, where she received her Masters in Digital Photography (and for whom she developed two iPad apps). She presents Lightroom demos for Adobe and Wacom, has worked with Pentax, Fuji Film, B&H, KelbyOne, and Adorama among others, and is the coordinator of the NY Photo Salon. One of her passions is getting people out and about to experience life through photography.
Lavonne teaches color theory for StrudelmediaLive.