Pen and Pictures: Creative Writing for Photographers
© Janée Baugher

Pen and Pictures: Creative Writing for Photographers

Dates: Wednesdays, Sept 18–Oct 23, 2024
Time: 2–4pm (ET)
Sessions: 5 (No class on Oct 16)
Limited enrollment: 8 students
Fee: $405
Sold Out
This class is sold out — but email us to join the wait list and we’ll let you know of any openings.

Are you already using your own writing to accompany your photography — or maybe want to start writing but don’t know how to begin? This generative creative writing course — in which you’ll both write during class and have optional writing invitations after class — is designed for photographers. Through the use of play and associative techniques, we’ll draft poems, fiction, and fragments from life; explore seven modes of imagery; and learn ways to free the imagination. Each session will include lecture, discussion, writing exercises, and sharing time. Assignment topics include the artistic process, tools and techniques of photography; speculation by way of writing beyond what cameras can capture; recollection and Proust’s concept of “creative wrong memory”; temporal and spatial description; and the self-portrait, whether realist or abstract, with or without the human figure. By the end of class, you’ll have numerous pages of imaginative writing that can work as standalone pieces or be incorporated into your own photography.


Janée Baugher
Janée Baugher

Janée J. Baugher, MFA, is the author of the craft book, The Ekphrastic Writer: Creating Art-Influenced Poetry, Fiction and Nonfiction, as well as two full-length poetry collections. She’s an assistant editor at Boulevard magazine, has been a featured poet on Seattle Channel TV and at the Library of Congress, and was awarded a 2024–2025 CityArtist grant by the Seattle Office of Arts and Culture. For her third poetry collection, she won Tupelo Press’s Dorset Prize for The Andrew Wyeth Chronicles (coming in 2026).

Janée teaches creative writing for StrudelmediaLive.