Photo Workshop in German: So entstehen dynamische Bilder
© Anja Hitzenberger
Online Class co-presented by fjum and strudelmediaLIVE

Photo Workshop in German: So entstehen dynamische Bilder

Dates: Thursdays, Mar 7–28, 2019
Time: 11am–1pm (ET)
Sessions: 4
Limited enrollment: 10 students
Fee: €180
Anmeldung für diesen Kurs über fjum

Live online class in German co-presented with Forum Journalismus und Medien Wien (fjum) in Vienna, Austria. This class will be presented entirely in German.

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Journalist*innen, die keine gelernten Fotograf*innen sind und für ihre Geschichten eigene Fotos machen und ihr fotografisches Sehen verbessern wollen – egal ob mit Smartphone oder anderen Kameras ausgerüstet. In diesem live online Fotografie-Workshop lernen Sie, was ein gutes Bild ausmacht und wie Sie dynamische Bilder produzieren. Durch Hands-On-Übungen mit der Kamera zwischen den Online-Sessions üben Sie Linien, Schatten, Farben und Menschen auf kreative Weise in die Bildkomposition zu integrieren und verbessern so Ihr fotografisches Sehen. Gemeinsam wird analysiert, wann ein Bildaufbau funktioniert und wie Sie effizient editieren. Arbeiten anderer Fotografen und Fotografinnen werden besprochen, um Sie für Ihre eigenen Fotoprojekte zu inspirieren.


Anja's course helped me to get out of my comfort zone and grow as a photographer — the assignments and the feedback helped me to be more honest about my work and challenge myself more. I cannot stress enough how useful her courses would be for anyone looking to improve as a storyteller and photographer. I really enjoyed the interactive part where you can speak and see the other people in class in real time — it really brings up the learning experience.
—Alejandra (Mexico)
Anja's live online classes provided an intimate and safe space where I felt comfortable to present and discuss my work with other students, thus traning me for presenting my work outside of class. The assignments coupled with class critiques taught me how to formulate my point of view of other people's work, and to continue learning about things such as composition and sequencing. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is committed to advancing their photography, or who might need a little push and new prespective on where to take their work.
—Nastassia (France)

Anja Hitzenberger
Anja Hitzenberger
Anja Hitzenberger is a photographer, filmmaker, consultant, and educator. She is the founder of StrudelmediaLive, an educational platform that offers live online photography classes and more to people around the world. Anja studied in the Creative Practice full-time program at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York City, and has been on the faculty there since 2009. She is dedicated to working with people from different cultures across the globe.

Her work has been exhibited in solo and group shows, film festivals, and on theater stages throughout Europe, the United States, South America, and Asia. Her photography has been published internationally and is a part of both private and institutional collections, including the International Center of Photography. She has received numerous artistic grants and has been awarded residencies in Rome, Paris, Warsaw, Beijing, and Tainan (Taiwan). A focus of her activities has been working with live performance, including producing a multimedia piece that toured in New York City, Austria, and Korea.

Anja has been teaching live online photography classes since 2015, as well as in-person workshops in New York, Europe, China, and Taiwan. Originally from Salzburg, Austria, she divides her time between New York and Vienna.

Anja teaches visual storytelling, environmental portraits, critique groups, and how movies can inspire your photography for StrudelmediaLive.