Josefina Fernandez Moran

Josefina Fernandez Moran is a photographer from Buenos Aires, Argentina, living in Brooklyn. She taught visual storytelling in conjunction with the Museum of the
Moving Image in New York City as part of the SU-CASA grant program. She taught photography in her native Buenos Aires, and worked with photographer Harvey Stein teaching workshops in Argentina during the celebration of Carnaval.

Her series "Adolescent Girls" was exhibited at The Clemente on New York City's Lower East Side in 2022. Her work has been exhibited in several group and solo exhibitions, including at the Consulate of Argentina (New York, 2021), The Latin American Fine Art Competition at Agora Gallery (New York, 2018), and Umbrella Arts (New York, 2016 and 2018). Additionally, she was among the selected winners of The Photo Review in 2019 and 2020, and is a recipient of the En Foco Fellowship (2020).


Josefina’s Classes