A space for learning, creating, and connecting through photography

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Realtime, live, and interactive small‑group photography classes, with students participating from around the world.

As a photographer, I had many stories to tell but I didn't know how to evolve from photo-taker to storyteller. Anja generously shared her experience and through weekly assignments and her constructive critiques, she gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed. I'll always value her guidance as a turning point in my photography career.  
—Jennifer (Monaco)
Over the past year I have learned that participating with other image makers is an essential part of my photography practice. I particularly like the way Strudelmedia classes combine valuable skills with individual attention.  
—Grace (New York City)
Thank you so much Marianne for this wonderful class! Adding text to my images isn’t something that I’ve ever done, but after this class I really like what I can do with images and stories. I also loved the structure of the class, how, step by step, we got to understand about adding text to images. Thank you for sharing your work, it's so creative! And the other work you showed was original and gave me a lot to think about.  
—MG (Brooklyn)