Carlos de la Sancha

photo by Victoria Manzoli

Born in Mexico City and now living in Brooklyn, Carlos works in bookmaking, portraiture, unique chromogenic prints, poetry, and street photography. Carlos earned a BA in psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de México, before transitioning to photography and studying at different institutions in Berlin, New York City, Oaxaca, and Mexico City, where he worked as a printer and production assistant for Cristina Kahlo for over 7 years. He completed his Creative Practices certificate at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York City in 2021. His work has been exhibited at venues including Centro Fotográfico Manuel Alvarez Bravo and Centro de las Artes de San Agustín in Oaxaca, Mexico; Imago Fotokunst (Berlin); and ICP (New York City).

Carlos’s Classes

The class was a deep dive from our personal images and into ourselves and back again! I loved the class and I think all of the participants in this really incredible group did as well…. Teaching a course that involves individual needs as well as the personal creative process is delicate and really requires a great deal of understanding and flexibility; I thought Carlos was extremely sensitive in his approach, and I felt extremely fulfilled and self-aware by the last week of class.
—Glen (Toronto)